Congratulations Graduates! Caps and gowns, valedictorians, graduation presents and parties. The Mansfield, Ohio Class of 1941 bid their final farewell to high school, as documented by Alfred Eisenstaedt.

“Top left: Valedictorian was red-haired, freckled Julia Loraine Fishback who diligently won the majority of graduation awards, also a scholarship to Swarthmore. She will take up occupational therapy. Top right: ‘Prettiest Girl in the Class’ by popular election is Lililan Art, 16, whose widowed mother works for Mansfield’s largest industry, Westinghouse Electric. She plans to become a secretary.”

“Graduation present for Jim Gorman was this second-hand Ford, piled high with friends in front of high school. Jim’s father, a well-to-do manufacturer, gave it to him, will send him to Lehigh.”

“Hayride and class picnic took place at novelist Louis Bromfield’s farm three days before commencement. It was a great lark for seniors, who contributed $.25 each toward the cost of food. Later in the evening, Bromfield gave them a barn dance.”

All images and captions via LIFE Magazine